
Restaurant and farmhouse Belagaggio

The Agriturismo Ristorante Belagaggio is nestled in the hills, a few kilometers from the hamlet of Montefollonico.
Its traditional cuisine, handed down from generation to generation, for years has been paying attention to the choice of exclusively local ingredients from the short supply chain. This guarantees authenticity, quality and freshness of the dishes enhanced by the Extra Virgin Olive Oil - DOP Terre di Siena - of own production.
The menu, therefore, is organized according to the various seasons with the products of the organic garden that is located in the large garden of the farm.

Here you can find handmade pasta every day, from the most typical pici, but also pappardelle, ravioli and gnocchi accompanied by traditional sauces such as sugo all'aglione della Valdichiana - the sweet garlic typial of the area, sugo all' ocio sauce - duckRagù  and wild boar sauce. But also local meats such as the famous Chianina meat .

You will also find the ceremonial hall for your special events and weddings.

An enchanted place where you can admire the beauty, smell the perfume and listen to the silence.



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