Price per person
From 6 to 8 participants: € 30,00
From 9 to 12 participants: € 25,00
From 13 to 15 participants: € 20,00

  • Where: Torrita di Siena

  • When: starting time TBD

  • Duration: about 2 hours

  • Meeting point: Torrita di Siena Living, Via Ottavio Maestri 22

  • For more information:

Torrita di Siena and Tunnel Farm: Guided tour

A journey through history in Torrita di Siena

From the underground to the streets of the historic center, an original and innovative route to discover the many faces of Torrita. Ancient bastion for the Republic of Siena, the village arose during the Middle Ages, between the 11th and 12th centuries. The red bricks are the distinctive feature that unites its architecture, jealously preserved within the imposing city walls. Near one of the four city gates, Porta a Sole, the Tunnel farm allows you to immerse yourself in a past much more recent than the medieval one.

During the Second World War, these underground cellars were used as an anti-aircraft shelter, while today they are the at the centre of an important redevelopment project. Inside the underground corridors, there is now a Vertical farm, a hydroponic system capable of growing vegetables in an underground environment.


What it includes

  • Guided tour of Torrita di Siena
  • Entrance to the Tunnel Farm

Additional info

The tour is available for a minimum of 6 participants.

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